Joseph has worked as an engineer and college engineering teacher. Currently, he serves as a union official. His right eye had to be removed after it became infected following a corneal transplant. He came to Lighthouse Guild for help with the vision in his other eye, which had developed macular degeneration.
His Lighthouse Guild optometrist arranged for him to meet with the New York State Commission for Blind, which certified him legally blind. The doctor gave him technology that includes a wearable vision enhancement device. “I can actually see the facial features when watching a movie and when I wear it outside it helps me to read signage from a distance and see all the beautiful flowers in the garden. I can see clearly across the street with the device.” He counts on his doctor to keep him apprised of new technology.
The training Joseph received at the Lighthouse in cooking at home, and navigation with a walking cane also helped, as did some group therapy sessions.
“My advice to others is to go forward and do not be afraid. If it is not the eyes, it can be another condition. Know that people are sympathetic when they see you with a walking cane and they are always willing to help you. And in my opinion, the doctors are the real heroes.”
Share Your Story
Lighthouse Guild is collecting stories about how eye health programs benefit you and your family. These personal stories are invaluable in showing local leaders how this issue impacts real people. Share your story and help ensure our future health care system reflects the needs of our communities.