
Kickoff Reception for Lighthouse Guild’s Annual Visionary Evening

February 3, 2023

Posted by New York Social Diary

Findlay Galleries on Worth Avenue, the iconic, family-owned art business founded in 1870, hosted a kickoff cocktail reception on January 20, 2023, for supporters and friends of Lighthouse Guild’s upcoming annual “Visionary Evening” Dinner. The Dinner, honoring Jacqueline Weld Drake and James Borynack, will be at Club Colette on February 28, 2023.

Nearly 100 guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, as they feasted their eyes on works of art by Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masters and distinguished contemporary American and European artists.

To get the guest’s attention, Borynack, CEO and Chairman of Findlay Galleries, tickled the ivories on the piano of the Second Floor Salon before Marc Rosen, Founder of the Palm Beach Friends of Lighthouse Guild, said words of thanks and introduced Dr. Calvin W. Roberts, President and CEO of Lighthouse Guild.

Dr. Calvin Roberts, Jackie Weld, and James Borynack.

Roberts welcomed and thanked everyone and expressed Lighthouse Guild’s deep appreciation to Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui for hosting the reception. He also thanked Weld Drake for hosting the Annual Tea in December.

Roberts explained that every year, Lighthouse Guild helps more than 5,000 people with vision loss reach their goals and maintain independence through the myriad services and technologies it provides. The upcoming “Visionary Evening” Dinner in Palm Beach is a major source of support for those they serve.

L. to r.: Adolfo Zaralegui and Andrea Roberts; Skip and Linda Aldridge.

Following the cocktail reception, Borynack and Zaralegui hosted a by-invitation dinner in honor of Jacqueline Weld Drake at Club Colette.

Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals. The organization provides coordinated care for eye health, vision rehabilitation, behavioral health and technology as well as related services. Its podcast series, “On Tech & Vision with Dr. Cal Roberts” offers information and insights about technological innovations that remove barriers for people who are blind or visually impaired.

For more information, visit

L. to r.: Eleanora Kennedy and Beth DeWoody; Val Pollner and Sharon Jacquet.
Pamela Fiori and Marc Rosen.
L. to r.: Mai Hallingby and Michel Witmer; Juan Pretel and Sharon Bush.
Bernard and Denise Schwartz.
L. to r.: Randee Bank and Allen Dalton; Grace Meigher and Kathryn Bryan.
Denis Hanrahan and Gustavo Novoa.
Alvin Valley and Dom Eduardo.
Billie Beadleston and Frannie Scaife.

Join our Mission

Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.